Sunday, December 7, 2008


It cost $1000 to buy mass loaded vinyl for the rehearsal room, but I bit the bullet and did it. Loads of web research showed that a newer product that actually has the heavy vinyl layer sandwiched between two thin sheets of sheetrock was probably the best choice, but getting it from Raleigh to here proved to be too expensive. Another choice was Green Glue that you apply between layers of sheetrock. This too is a fine choice, I think. And the extra layer(s) of sheetrock will stop bass sounds better than what I have. But I opted for mass loaded vinyl (MLV), the time proven sound reduction product that was invented 50 years ago to replace lead sheeting used to soundproof radio and sound studios for many years. At one pound per square foot, MLV is heavy. My son, Michael John, and Debbie had to help me hang it from the ceiling, probably the single hardest part of the construction. RENT A NAILGUN IF YOU EVER HAVE TO DO THIS! The chalk picture of the goat on the MLV is mine, I admit. It's here just to remind me that I started with a glorified goat barn.

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