Time to Put Together a Hurricane Kit -July 18, 2006
I'm writing this mostly for my few friends and family, in hopes they will be prepared for the troubles ahead. No "Chicken Little" here. These events are most likely to happen.... and happen soon. What's $100 to $200 -if it means being prepared for your very survival? And IF these events do not happen, you'll have some extra food to eat and camping gear to utilize. In other words, you'll have little to lose IF you prepare now. If you choose to do nothing, well, the least to expect is extreme discomfort. The worst would be death.
OK, guys, it's hurricane season, and we WILL probably get hit - either T.J. in FLA, or Diane and Tate on The Outer Banks, or myself here in New Bern, NC. Hell, at this rate, even Brian in Maine had better pay attention. Global warming is fueling bigger hurricanes. It might not have the power of a Katrina, but when 4 to 6 "major hurricanes" are predicted to hit the US this season, we'd better pay attention.
And I am not just worried about the weather. We only have a matter of a short time before avian flu hits. The scientists say it will definately occur. There is no IF...it's a question of WHEN, this year or next. Think of the Spanish flu that killed 19 million worldwide in 1910. This will probably be at least that bad. Do some online research, as I have done, and you'll agree that we each need to start getting ready for the oncoming avian flu. We're talking about staying IN OUR HOMES for at least 3 weeks, and lots of reliable sources are saying to be ready for at least 3 MONTHS! Worst case scenario is a couple years, with the resulting lack of food, medicine, etc. Those folks ARE perchance too alarmist with their talk of buying lots of planting seeds, good bicycles, etc. and being prepared for defending your home from hungry intruders for a period of a year or two! That's the "Mad Max" scenario.
Now I'm going out on a limb: I PREDICT the problems currently occuring between Israel and Lebanon will soon be FAR larger than a local war. Lebanon is a shell of a country with no real government of its own, and is overrun with Hizbullah terrorists supported entirely by Syria and Iran. Their goal is the total downfall of Israel and the return of all Palestenian lands. The Hizbollah terrorists that kidnapped the Israeli soldiers were taunting the Israeli army, knowing how they would respond. They want a larger war! So Israel responded with attacking as many Hizbollah headquarters and related sites as they could. The problem is that Hizbolla is CONTROLLED MOSTLY BY IRAN (and to a lesser extent Syria). You get the picture? To really stop Hizbolla, Israel HAS to go after Iran. Now we have a regional war. The US will gladly get sucked into this one, considering our current administration's stance on Iran. I'm not claiming this war will be of Biblical proportions, but it could quickly get nasty: Moslem vs. Christian! We don't want it to happen, but THEY obviously do.
(Added 10-28-06: Ok, Ok, my prediction proved wrong. The U.S. pressured the U.N. to stop the battle between Israel and the Hizbollah terrorists, and they did, sort of. The U.N. troops are still there today. Yet the missles are still falling on Israel, and Israel is still responding with counterstrikes! It turns out that Hizbollah had 13,000 missles to lob into Israel! Many of these missles were/are hidden in towns, inside homes with roofs that slide back, allowing the missles to be hidden, yet fired easily. More regarding this can be found at http://martinfrost.ws/htmlfiles/aug2006/hizbollah_rockets1html .) Of course these missles were provided mostly by Iran, Hizbollah's biggest supporter. This crisis is temporarily over.The biggest threat now comes from Iran and North Korea's refusal to stop producing nuclear fuel for weapons, weapons they both say they need to protect themselves from the country that calls them "evil," - the U.S. Remember, these two countries were two-thirds of President Bush's "Axis of Evil" speech, with the third country being Iraq, the one country proven to have no nuclear or W.M.D. (weapons of mass destruction) ambitions. The U.S. pressured the U.N. for many more sanctions against North Korea, and North Korea has already responded by saying the enforcement of these sanctions is "a declaration of war" against them. Check out the above U.S. Dept. of Defense night-time photo of North and South Korea. North Korea requires almost a total blackout after 9p.m. to conserve power. They are heavily dependent on China, their best friend, for fuel to give them electricity. Millions in North Korea are malnourished or are dying because of their dictatorships' policies. They are a desperate country. Does this situation sound serious enough to you? And now that we've had a very mild hurricane season pass, it's time to remind you that we are currently at the start of what hurricane predictors call a 20 year cycle of increasingly numerous and violent hurricanes.)
We have more need now than ever before to put together a comprehensive "hurricane kit" capable of sustaining our families over a period of time probably exceeding three weeks. We've got hurricanes, avian flu, and a possibly larger war staring us in the face. For some of us this means getting together lots of canned food, dry food, even MRI kits off the internet, storing water- lots of it- with a drop of clorine in each gallon, having a solar or wind-up powered radio, candles, matches- lots of 'em. EXTRA MEDICINES could be hard to acquire, but possibly worth the effort. (Expect the transportation/ food / medicine delivery system to slow to a crawl if loads of folks are getting really sick.) Go on the web and look at lots of survival lists; decide for yourself what you need.There's lots of lists available, from the Red Cross to "doomsday- Mad Max" lists. Get started NOW! Debbie and I are currently pretty low on extra cash until our old home sells, but we're putting together a basic hurricane kit with hopes of enlarging it substantially later. If it's a catagory 4 or larger hurricane, we'll head for the mountains, to our unsold home there. If it's avian flue, we'll stick it out here by not leaving the house except in an emergency. If it's a big war, well, my mom's a veteran of what that was like, so I'd defer to her advice. Doubt I'd need my guns though. Who knows. Moslems don't hate us, but there are enough terrorists that do, and if it escalates into a Moslem vs. Christian war, ANYTHING could happen.
Let's get prepared for a hurricane for now, but the wiser ones of us will look down the road and prepare for the oncoming avian flu. I'm writing this because I care for you, knowing only friends and family will read this. Ignore it at your peril.
Love- Mike
I'm writing this mostly for my few friends and family, in hopes they will be prepared for the troubles ahead. No "Chicken Little" here. These events are most likely to happen.... and happen soon. What's $100 to $200 -if it means being prepared for your very survival? And IF these events do not happen, you'll have some extra food to eat and camping gear to utilize. In other words, you'll have little to lose IF you prepare now. If you choose to do nothing, well, the least to expect is extreme discomfort. The worst would be death.
OK, guys, it's hurricane season, and we WILL probably get hit - either T.J. in FLA, or Diane and Tate on The Outer Banks, or myself here in New Bern, NC. Hell, at this rate, even Brian in Maine had better pay attention. Global warming is fueling bigger hurricanes. It might not have the power of a Katrina, but when 4 to 6 "major hurricanes" are predicted to hit the US this season, we'd better pay attention.
And I am not just worried about the weather. We only have a matter of a short time before avian flu hits. The scientists say it will definately occur. There is no IF...it's a question of WHEN, this year or next. Think of the Spanish flu that killed 19 million worldwide in 1910. This will probably be at least that bad. Do some online research, as I have done, and you'll agree that we each need to start getting ready for the oncoming avian flu. We're talking about staying IN OUR HOMES for at least 3 weeks, and lots of reliable sources are saying to be ready for at least 3 MONTHS! Worst case scenario is a couple years, with the resulting lack of food, medicine, etc. Those folks ARE perchance too alarmist with their talk of buying lots of planting seeds, good bicycles, etc. and being prepared for defending your home from hungry intruders for a period of a year or two! That's the "Mad Max" scenario.
Now I'm going out on a limb: I PREDICT the problems currently occuring between Israel and Lebanon will soon be FAR larger than a local war. Lebanon is a shell of a country with no real government of its own, and is overrun with Hizbullah terrorists supported entirely by Syria and Iran. Their goal is the total downfall of Israel and the return of all Palestenian lands. The Hizbollah terrorists that kidnapped the Israeli soldiers were taunting the Israeli army, knowing how they would respond. They want a larger war! So Israel responded with attacking as many Hizbollah headquarters and related sites as they could. The problem is that Hizbolla is CONTROLLED MOSTLY BY IRAN (and to a lesser extent Syria). You get the picture? To really stop Hizbolla, Israel HAS to go after Iran. Now we have a regional war. The US will gladly get sucked into this one, considering our current administration's stance on Iran. I'm not claiming this war will be of Biblical proportions, but it could quickly get nasty: Moslem vs. Christian! We don't want it to happen, but THEY obviously do.
(Added 10-28-06: Ok, Ok, my prediction proved wrong. The U.S. pressured the U.N. to stop the battle between Israel and the Hizbollah terrorists, and they did, sort of. The U.N. troops are still there today. Yet the missles are still falling on Israel, and Israel is still responding with counterstrikes! It turns out that Hizbollah had 13,000 missles to lob into Israel! Many of these missles were/are hidden in towns, inside homes with roofs that slide back, allowing the missles to be hidden, yet fired easily. More regarding this can be found at http://martinfrost.ws/htmlfiles/aug2006/hizbollah_rockets1html .) Of course these missles were provided mostly by Iran, Hizbollah's biggest supporter. This crisis is temporarily over.The biggest threat now comes from Iran and North Korea's refusal to stop producing nuclear fuel for weapons, weapons they both say they need to protect themselves from the country that calls them "evil," - the U.S. Remember, these two countries were two-thirds of President Bush's "Axis of Evil" speech, with the third country being Iraq, the one country proven to have no nuclear or W.M.D. (weapons of mass destruction) ambitions. The U.S. pressured the U.N. for many more sanctions against North Korea, and North Korea has already responded by saying the enforcement of these sanctions is "a declaration of war" against them. Check out the above U.S. Dept. of Defense night-time photo of North and South Korea. North Korea requires almost a total blackout after 9p.m. to conserve power. They are heavily dependent on China, their best friend, for fuel to give them electricity. Millions in North Korea are malnourished or are dying because of their dictatorships' policies. They are a desperate country. Does this situation sound serious enough to you? And now that we've had a very mild hurricane season pass, it's time to remind you that we are currently at the start of what hurricane predictors call a 20 year cycle of increasingly numerous and violent hurricanes.)
We have more need now than ever before to put together a comprehensive "hurricane kit" capable of sustaining our families over a period of time probably exceeding three weeks. We've got hurricanes, avian flu, and a possibly larger war staring us in the face. For some of us this means getting together lots of canned food, dry food, even MRI kits off the internet, storing water- lots of it- with a drop of clorine in each gallon, having a solar or wind-up powered radio, candles, matches- lots of 'em. EXTRA MEDICINES could be hard to acquire, but possibly worth the effort. (Expect the transportation/ food / medicine delivery system to slow to a crawl if loads of folks are getting really sick.) Go on the web and look at lots of survival lists; decide for yourself what you need.There's lots of lists available, from the Red Cross to "doomsday- Mad Max" lists. Get started NOW! Debbie and I are currently pretty low on extra cash until our old home sells, but we're putting together a basic hurricane kit with hopes of enlarging it substantially later. If it's a catagory 4 or larger hurricane, we'll head for the mountains, to our unsold home there. If it's avian flue, we'll stick it out here by not leaving the house except in an emergency. If it's a big war, well, my mom's a veteran of what that was like, so I'd defer to her advice. Doubt I'd need my guns though. Who knows. Moslems don't hate us, but there are enough terrorists that do, and if it escalates into a Moslem vs. Christian war, ANYTHING could happen.
Let's get prepared for a hurricane for now, but the wiser ones of us will look down the road and prepare for the oncoming avian flu. I'm writing this because I care for you, knowing only friends and family will read this. Ignore it at your peril.
Love- Mike
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